Lane is a back-end engineer and the lead instructor of He has taught over one million students worldwide, on, FreeCodeCamp, YouTube and the Backend Banter podcast. Lane worked as a backend engineer writing Go, Python and TypeScript, then moved into engineering management and a couple of years later left to build full-time.
Use TypeScript to build a web crawler that any SEO expert would be happy to have. You'll make HTTP requests and parse HTML to generate reports that can easily marshaled to standard output or a file. If you're interested in getting a job using Node.js, this project will teach you how Node can be used to build a command-line application.
Use Golang to build a web crawler that any SEO expert would be happy to have. You'll make HTTP requests and parse HTML to generate reports that can easily marshaled to standard output or a file. If you're interested in getting a job writing Golang, this project will teach you how a Golang command-line application is built.
Use Python and Tkinter to build a GUI that solves mazes. You'll be writing code that draws a randomized maze and then systematically solves it. You will use your knowledge of algorithms to automate this fun game! This is a fantastic way to build another real project and solidify your algorithmic skills.