He fell. A chaotic blend of static noise and the sound of fabric tearing overwhelmed his ears. Strobing fractal patterns folded in on themselves around him...
Ballan peered into the darkness of the temple from above, frowning. Kahya had pointed out a section of the temple that was partially crumbled - there were holes in...
Ballan wondered if it was courage or delusion that made him think he had a goblin's chance at chess of getting out of this situation alive. The odds were certainly...
So - these crystals. Why are they important? What do they do? Kahya asked as they stopped beside a creek for brunch. Two breakfasts are better than one...
Ballan frowned as he watched an airship with black flags careen away from Ruebenberg at high speed. That was not the leisurely pace of someone out for a pleasant skysail...
"Holgith does not understand this." Ballan looked up from where he was painstakingly carving a rune into another tree with his only good knife. Every venturer worth their salt...
Ballan had decided his wounded leg was worth an extended stay in civilization. A local innkeep had been kind enough to give the four of them room...